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De EPD Playground
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== Mobile Access Gateway ==
== Mobile Access Gateway ==
[[Mobile Access Gateway]]
[[Mobile Access Gateway]]
==Links to EPD Themes==
* eHealth Suisse
** [https://www.e-health-suisse.ch/technik-semantik/epd-anbindung.html EPD-Anbindung – Anbindung von Primärsystemen]
** [https://github.com/ehealthsuisse/EPD-by-example GitHug – EPD-by-example]
** [http://build.fhir.org/ig/ehealthsuisse/ch-epr-mhealth/ Implementation Guide CH EPR mHealth (R4)]
** [https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/MHD/index.html Profile – Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD)]
** [https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Mobile_access_to_Health_Documents_(MHD) Wiki – Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD)]

Version du 24 juin 2021 à 10:07

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Welcome to the EPD Playground

The EPD Playground is a standalone instance of an EPDG (Gesetzgebung Elektronisches Patientendossier) conform platform.

End points & Transactions

End points & Transactions

Mobile Access Gateway

Mobile Access Gateway

Links to EPD Themes