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De EPD Playground
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== End points & Transactions ==
== End points & Transactions ==
[[End points & Transactions]]
[[End points & Transactions]]

== Mobile Access Gateway ==
== Mobile Access Gateway ==
[[Mobile Access Gateway]]
[[Mobile Access Gateway]]
==EPD Projectathon==
The next [https://www.e-health-suisse.ch/en/technik-semantik/epr-projectathon/epr-projectathon-2021.html EPD Projectathon] will be held in '''Bern from 20 to 24 September 2021'''. Among all brand new [http://fhir.ch Swiss Implementation Guides], it will be possible to test the mHealth profiles [http://build.fhir.org/ig/ehealthsuisse/ch-epr-mhealth/ CH EPR mHealth] against the EPD Playground.

==Links to EPD Themes==
==Links to EPD Themes==
Ligne 15 : Ligne 21 :
* eHealth Suisse
* eHealth Suisse
** [https://www.e-health-suisse.ch/technik-semantik/epd-anbindung.html EPD-Anbindung – Anbindung von Primärsystemen]
** [https://www.e-health-suisse.ch/technik-semantik/epd-anbindung.html EPD-Anbindung – Anbindung von Primärsystemen]
** [https://github.com/ehealthsuisse/EPD-by-example GitHug – EPD-by-example]
*** [https://www.e-health-suisse.ch/technik-semantik/epd-anbindung/techniker.html Relevante Schnittstellen für die EPD-Integration]
*** [https://github.com/ehealthsuisse/EPD-by-example GitHub – EPD-by-example]
** [http://build.fhir.org/ig/ehealthsuisse/ch-epr-mhealth/ Implementation Guide CH EPR mHealth (R4)]
** [http://build.fhir.org/ig/ehealthsuisse/ch-epr-mhealth/ Implementation Guide CH EPR mHealth (R4)]
*** [https://github.com/ehealthsuisse/ch-epr-mhealth/ GitHub – CH EPR mHealth]
** [https://www.e-health-suisse.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/Dokumente/D/Bericht-Interoperabilitaet_de.pdf Grundlagen für interoperable Prozesse im Gesundheitswesen]

** [https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/MHD/index.html Profile – Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD)]
** [https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/MHD/index.html Profile – Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD)]
** [https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Mobile_access_to_Health_Documents_(MHD) Wiki – Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD)]
*** [https://wiki.ihe.net/index.php/Mobile_access_to_Health_Documents_(MHD) Wiki – Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD)]

Version du 24 juin 2021 à 10:35

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Welcome to the EPD Playground

The EPD Playground is a standalone instance of an EPDG (Gesetzgebung Elektronisches Patientendossier) conform platform.

End points & Transactions

End points & Transactions

Mobile Access Gateway

Mobile Access Gateway

EPD Projectathon

The next EPD Projectathon will be held in Bern from 20 to 24 September 2021. Among all brand new Swiss Implementation Guides, it will be possible to test the mHealth profiles CH EPR mHealth against the EPD Playground.

Links to EPD Themes