Différences entre les versions de « Mobile Access Gateway »

De EPD Playground
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Ligne 17 : Ligne 17 :
|IUA|ITI-72 Incorporate Authorization Token
|ITI-72 Incorporate Authorization Token

Version du 13 juillet 2021 à 16:23

Mobile Access Gateway.png


Operation IHE profile (FHIR) FHIR based transaction(*) IHE profile (SOAP) SOAP based transaction(*)
Authorization IUA ITI-71 Get Authorization Token XUA ITI-40 Provide X-User Assertion
Authorization IUA ITI-72 Incorporate Authorization Token
Search Patient Identifier PIXm ITI-83 Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Query PIXv3 ITI-45 PIXV3 Query
Add Patient Identifier PIXm ITI-93 Mobile Patient Identity Feed PIXv3 ITI-44 PIXV3 Update Notification
Search by Patient Demographics PDQm ITI-78 Mobile Patient Demographics Query PDQv3 ITI-47 Patient Demographics Query HL7 V3
Search for Submission Sets MHD ITI-66 Find Document Manifests XDS ITI-18 Stored Query
Search for Documents MHD ITI-67 Find Document References XDS ITI-18 Stored Query
Retrieve Documents MHD ITI-68 Retrieve Document XDS ITI-43 Retrieve Document Set
Store new Documents MHD ITI-65 Provide Document Bundle XDS ITI-41 Provide and Register Document Set-b

(*) ITI Vocabulary Registry and Data Dictionary

FHIR End point to the EPD Playground

Every EPD platform that should be accessed via the Mobile Access Gateway needs an own instance of the Mobile Access Gateway. The instance connected to the EPD Playground is hosted by ahdis ag:


Source code

The Mobile Access Gateway has been developed by the Institute of Medical Informatics I4MI at the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH. It is provided as open source software under Apache License 2.0:
