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==== Search local id using the EPR-SPID (PIXm) ====
==== Search local id using the EPR-SPID (PIXm) ====

* OID of the Klinik Höheweg:
* OID of the Klinik Höheweg: 2.16.756.
* OID of the EPR-SPID: 2.16.756.
* OID of the EPR-SPID: 2.16.756.

Version du 26 octobre 2021 à 18:16

This page lists examples of transactions using the Mobile Access Gateway to access the EPD Playground.

Create Patient

Profile Patient Master Identity Registry (PMIR)
Transaction Mobile Patient Identity Feed [ITI-93]
SOAP Transaction Patient Identity Feed HL7 V3 [ITI-44]

The following example creates a patient ALAN ALPHA (which, by the way, also exists in the gazelle reference environment):

 POST https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/$process-message

   "resourceType": "Bundle",
   "type": "message",
   "entry": [
       "fullUrl": "http://example.com/fhir/MessageHeader/1",
       "resource": {
         "resourceType": "MessageHeader",
         "id": "1",
         "eventUri": "urn:ihe:iti:pmir:2019:patient-feed",
         "source": {
           "endpoint": "http://example.com/patientSource"
         "focus": [
             "reference": "Patient/123"
         "destination": [
             "endpoint": "http://example.com/patientEndpoint"
       "fullUrl": "http://example.com/fhir/Patient/123",
       "resource": {
         "resourceType": "Patient",
         "id": "123",
         "contained": [
             "resourceType": "Organization",
             "id": "1",
             "identifier": [
                 "system": "urn:oid:2.16.756.",
                 "value": "Klinik H\u00f6heweg"
             "name": "Klinik H\u00f6heweg",
             "contact": [
                 "name": {
                   "family": "Test",
                   "given": [
         "identifier": [
             "system": "urn:oid:2.16.756.",
             "value": "PATIENT1",
             "assigner": {
               "display": "Klinik H\u00f6heweg"
             "system": "urn:oid:2.16.756.",
             "value": "DEMO"
         "name": [
             "family": "ALPHA",
             "given": [
         "gender": "male",
         "birthDate": "1938-02-24",
         "address": [
             "line": "1_PINETREE",
             "city": "WEBSTER",
             "state": "MD",
             "postalCode": "63119"
         "managingOrganization": {
           "reference": "#1"
       "request": {
         "method": "POST"
  • The id in the Patient resource (e.g. "123") does not matter, but has to match the id linked in the Messageheader (focus.reference: "Patient/123").
  • The creating organization must be present as a contained resource Organization and linked from the Patient resource under managingOrganization ("#1").
  • In the point identifier the local patient-id in the creating organization (e.g. the "Klinik Höheweg" with OID 2.16.756. as well as the EPR-SPID (with the official OID 2.16.756. are listed.

Search patient

Notice: the newest PIXm specifications don't allow anymore to query all patient id's at once. A "target system" has to be given in the query.

Search MPI Identifier using the EPR-SPID (PIXm)

  • OID of the EPD Playground's MPI:
  • OID of the EPR-SPID: 2.16.756.

GET https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/Patient/$ihe-pix?sourceIdentifier=urn:oid:2.16.756.|DEMO&targetSystem=urn:oid:

Which should get you the following response body:

   "resourceType": "Parameters",
   "parameter": [
       "name": "targetIdentifier",
       "valueIdentifier": {
         "system": "urn:oid:",
         "value": "0f5a8034-3c8a-4796-bd39-d3ea877a4155"

Search local id using the EPR-SPID (PIXm)

  • OID of the Klinik Höheweg: 2.16.756.
  • OID of the EPR-SPID: 2.16.756.

GET https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/Patient/$ihe-pix?sourceIdentifier=urn:oid:2.16.756.|DEMO&targetSystem=urn:oid:2.16.756.

Which should get you the following response body:

   "resourceType": "Parameters",
   "parameter": [
       "name": "targetIdentifier",
       "valueIdentifier": {
         "system": "urn:oid:2.16.756.",
         "value": "PATIENT1"

Search patient by any identifier (PDQm)

When known, a patient can be searched by any identifier, like the EPR-SPID, the communitys MPI or a local id (e.g. from a primary system):

This returns a FHIR Bundle:

     "resourceType": "Bundle",
     "id": "47b0e100-5475-45e3-9dd2-0ae422bdbed9",
     "meta": {
       "lastUpdated": "2021-03-25T10:28:44.250+00:00"
     "type": "searchset",
     "total": 1,
     "link": [
         "relation": "self",
         "url": "https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/Patient?identifier=2.16.756."
     "entry": [
         "fullUrl": "https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/Patient/",
         "resource": {
           "resourceType": "Patient",
           "id": "",
           "identifier": [
               "system": "urn:oid:",
               "value": "0f5a8034-3c8a-4796-bd39-d3ea877a4155"
           "active": true,
           "name": [
               "family": "ALPHA",
               "given": [
           "gender": "male",
           "birthDate": "1938-02-24",
           "address": [
               "city": "WEBSTER",
               "state": "MD",
               "postalCode": "63119"

Search patient by gender

GET https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/Patient?gender=male

Upload a document

Profile Mobile Access to Health Documents (MHD)
Transaction Provide Document Bundle [ITI-65]
SOAP Transaction Provide and Register Document Set [ITI-41]

The following example creates a document for the patient ALAN ALPHA:

POST https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir

     "id": "2-7-BundleProvideDocument",
     "resourceType": "Bundle",
     "meta": {
       "profile": [
     "type": "transaction",
     "entry": [
         "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:d8d1fe44-07e9-4a84-985f-fde97d77d54b",
         "resource": {
           "resourceType": "Binary",
           "contentType": "text/xml",
           "data": "<Base64 kodiertes Dokumenteninhalt>"
         "request": {
           "method": "POST",
           "url": "urn:uuid:d8d1fe44-07e9-4a84-985f-fde97d77d54b"
         "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:68a928c0-df48-4743-a291-bfb0609bbddc",
         "resource": {
           "resourceType": "DocumentManifest",
           "masterIdentifier": {
             "value": "urn:oid:"
           "identifier": [
               "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
               "value": "urn:uuid:8c3e40b2-3cf9-4980-b4fb-cc84ba8a181a"
           "status": "current",
           "type": {
             "coding": [
                 "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                 "code": "71388002",
                 "display": "Procedure (procedure)"
           "subject": {
             "reference": "https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/Patient/"
           "content": [
               "reference": "urn:uuid:50383ae5-49e5-4dea-b0e6-660cb9e7b91f"
           "created": "2020-06-29T12:01:30+00:00",
           "source": "urn:oid:",
           "description": "Hello World example neu"
         "request": {
           "method": "POST",
           "url": "urn:uuid:68a928c0-df48-4743-a291-bfb0609bbddc"
         "fullUrl": "urn:uuid:50383ae5-49e5-4dea-b0e6-660cb9e7b91f",
         "resource": {
           "resourceType": "DocumentReference",
           "contained": [
               "resourceType": "Patient",
               "id": "1",
               "identifier": [
                   "use": "official",
                   "system": "",
                   "value": "0f5a8034-3c8a-4796-bd39-d3ea877a4155"
           "masterIdentifier": {
             "value": "urn:oid:"
           "identifier": [
               "use": "official",
               "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
               "value": "urn:uuid:50383ae5-49e5-4dea-b0e6-660cb9e7b91f"
           "status": "current",
           "type": {
             "coding": [
                 "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                 "code": "721912009",
                 "display": "Medication summary document (record artifact)"
           "category": [
               "coding": [
                   "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                   "code": "422735006",
                   "display": "Summary clinical document (record artifact)"
           "subject": {
             "reference": "https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/Patient/"
           "source": "urn:oid:",
           "date": "2020-06-29T11:58:00.000+00:00",
           "description": "2-7-MedicationCard",
           "securityLabel": [
               "coding": [
                   "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                   "code": "17621005",
                   "display": "Normal (qualifier value)"
           "content": [
               "attachment": {
                 "contentType": "text/xml",
                 "language": "de-CH",
                 "url": "urn:uuid:d8d1fe44-07e9-4a84-985f-fde97d77d54b",
                 "size": 309219
               "format": {
                 "system": "urn:oid:",
                 "code": "urn:ihe:pharm:pml:2013",
                 "display": "Community Medication List"
           "context": {
             "facilityType": {
               "coding": [
                   "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                   "code": "264358009",
                   "display": "General practice premises (environment)"
             "practiceSetting": {
               "coding": [
                   "system": "http://snomed.info/sct",
                   "code": "394802001",
                   "display": "General medicine (qualifier value)"
             "sourcePatientInfo": {
               "reference": "#1"
         "request": {
           "method": "POST",
           "url": "urn:uuid:5604f114-bf96-4c12-8dac-25715a05cf3f"

Search and retrieve a document

Search for DocumentReferences

A FHIR search for DocumentReferences returns a Bundle of DocumentReference resources. Each DocumentReference represents one available document and contains the link for retrieving the document (see below).

GET https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/DocumentReference?status=current&patient.identifier=urn:oid:

Search for SubmissionSets

A FHIR search for List returns a Bundle of List resources. Each List resource represents a submission set, which are documents for a patient that were uploaded together. The List resources refer to the DocumentReference resources, that then contain the link to the actual document.

GET https://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/fhir/List?status=current&patient.identifier=urn:oid:

Retrieve a document

In the DocumentReference resource, under content[0].attachment.url, you find the link to the actual document.

       "resourceType": "DocumentReference",
       "content": [
               "attachment": {
                   "contentType": "text/xml",
                   "language": "de-CH",
                   "url": "http://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/camel/xdsretrieve?uniqueId=92100cf9-e6e8-4bf8-a61c-2ee66e69eb2c&repositoryUniqueId=",
                   "size": 80461,
                   "hash": "ZGU4YzRmNDM4ZjAzNmRmNDM0MDUyZWRjYjIzMTNjNDUzOTMyNzg1MQ==",
                   "creation": "2020-06-29T11:58:00+00:00"
               "format": {
                   "system": "urn:oid:",
                   "code": "urn:ihe:pharm:pml:2013",
                   "display": "Community Medication List"

Using this link, you can fetch the document with a GET request:

GET http://test.ahdis.ch/mag-bfh/camel/xdsretrieve?uniqueId=92100cf9-e6e8-4bf8-a61c-2ee66e69eb2c&repositoryUniqueId=