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De EPD Playground
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Welcome to the EPD Playground

The EPD Playground is a standalone instance of an EPDG (Gesetzgebung Elektronisches Patientendossier) conform platform.

End points & Transactions

The EPD Playground is provided by the Institute of Medical Informatics I4MI at the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH, eHealth Suisse and the Swiss Post. It is running on a virtual machine hosted at BFH and is free of use. The end points and available transactions are documented under End points & Transactions.

The EPD Playground is aimed to experiment the connection of mHealth apps to the EPD. The primary goal is to create and demonstrate use cases showing the benefit of integrating the EPD. To ease the connection to the EPD Playground, all authentication and authorisation hurdles – that an productive EPD instance enforces – have been disable, so the access is straight forward and does not require the use of any access tokens.

To make the connection easier, the Mobile Access Gateway has been developed, one instance being connected to the EPD Playground (see further down).

Demo Data

Demo organizations, healthcare providers and patients are listed under Demo Data. These demo data are intended to be permanent and will be extended in the context of the realization of use cases.

Mobile Access Gateway

The Mobile Access Gateway provides the FHIR based profiles PIXm, PDQm and MHD required for the profile "Mobile access to Health Documents (MHD)".

For using the Mobile Access Gateway to access the EPD Playground, we provide some Transaction examples.

Swiss Implementation Guides

Among all brand new Swiss Implementation Guides, the mHealth profiles PIXm, PDQm and MHD specified in the implementation guide CH EPR mHealth might be tested against the EPD Playground.

Links to EPD Themes